Gifts for the crazy cat lady in your life.
You know the one, (that’s your friend, of course, so not you).
Here are 10 crazy gifts for her…or him…
Pussy cat poetry
I Could Pee on this and Other Cat Poems, a collection of pussy cat poetry for the literary cat lover.
Catt Butt Fridge Magnets

Cat Butt Fridge Magnets (cos we all need a set of these) We all know how much cats love to stick their butts in our faces, why not make this a permanent fixture when your cat-loving friend heads to the fridge? We especially like cat butts when we are eating right?
Cat Book
How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you! (of course, it is). This is one mega conspiracy. We all know our cat is trying to kill us but this book might give us some more insight into the topic and will be well-received gifts for a crazy cat lady.
Sorry I barfed on your bed, the things our cats do to torture us, my cat didn’t do this to me but my dog did…it was just delightful.
Light Switch Decal
Light switch decal (super cute), find a sleeping feline on your light switch, this decal is super cute, friendly and likely to be well-loved by children and adults alike.
This post contains affiliate links but they are still super awesome products. Please share these crazy ideas with your friends… or furfriends if they are on social media and buy some gifts for a crazy cat lady.